
Cases Are Rejected When Get Married with Foreign Element

The law of Vietnam prescribed quite detail about the marriage with foreign elements. The registration of marriage with foreign elements…

9 years ago

Vietnam Law on Judicial Records

Foreigners whom are working in Vietnam are suggested to apply and obtain crimial record card in Vietnam (or police check)before leaving…

9 years ago

Notable Improvements in Vietnam Investment Law 2014

Vietnam Investment Law 2014 taking effect from July 1st, 2015, replaces the Investment Law 2005 with notable improvements, especially the provisions…

10 years ago

What Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement is about?

On Jul 31st, 2015 the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiation ended without a resolution although a great progress has been made.…

10 years ago

Foreigner Can Buy House in Vietnam

As investment in properties oversea is a big decision, it is suggested the investor consult with real estate lawyer in…

10 years ago

Judicial Record Card (criminal record/ police check) in Vietnam

Judicial record card in Vietnam Procedures to obtain judicial record card (criminal record/ police check) in Vietnam is regulated in…

10 years ago

What Has Changed in Vietnam Investment Law 2014?

The new Investment Law 2014 announced by Vietnam Government on December 26th, 2014 has come into effect on July 1st,…

10 years ago

Simplifying the Procedure for Foreigner to Reside in Vietnam

For foreigners wishing to come to Vietnam to work and reside temporarily, they need to either set-up a company in…

10 years ago

Cosmetic Regulations in Vietnam 2015 Webinar

ANT Lawyers has teamed up with Chemlinked, a cosmetics portal to organize a Webminar on the topic of "Overview of…

10 years ago

Circular 06/2011/TT-BYT Regulating Cosmetic Management in Vietnam

On Jan 25th, 2011, the Vietnam Ministry of Health has promulgated Circular No: 06/2011/TT-BYT regulating cosmetics management in Vietnam to…

10 years ago

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