New Vietnam Law on Bankruptcy No.51/2014/QH13

New Vietnam Law on Bankruptcy has been voted and approved by Vietnam National Assembly on Jul 19th, 2014 and is expected to make contribution to resolve the current problems about requirements of the enterprises, cooperatives which declare bankruptcy; to ensure equality in protecting the interests of the State, the legitimate rights and obligations of enterprises, … Read More

Economic Need Test for Second Retail Outlet for Foreign-Invested Companies

According to Decree 23/2007/ND-CP, a foreign-invested company wishes to open more than two retail outlets will need to pass an Economic Need Test (ENT) except in limited circumstances.  However, there are not specific  definitions on ENT, in which the investor could check it against their capility that could make foreign investors be hesitated on entering Vietnam … Read More


Insurance enterprises have engaged in Vietnam market for a long time.  Vietnam Government has issued many regulations on this field with discrimination between resident and foreign investors.  Our insurance lawyers in Vietnam always monitor the changes in legal regulations and keep our client up to date. To establish an insurance enterprise in Vietnam, according to … Read More

Additional fees to set up business in Vietnam

ANT Lawyers – From October 1st, 2013, organizations and individuals that set up businesses will have to pay additional fees of VND 300,000 (or USD 15) for business registration. According to the National Decree 05/2012/ND-CP, this fee will be charged for publishing the newly set up company on the business portal where the information of … Read More

Investment Restrictions of State – owned Enterprises in Vietnam

The new law of Vietnam has been promulgated that restrict the investment of state-owned enterprise in its non-core business areas.  According to Decree 71/2013/ND-CP dated July 11th, 2013, state-owned enterprises are not allowed to make capital contribution or investment in real estate sector (excluding the business with business line in the real estate sector), in … Read More

Income tax for foreigners working in Vietnam

A foreign individual is determined to have the tax resident in Vietnam if it meets one of the following conditions: Have been in Vietnam for 183 days or more in one calendar year or within 12 consecutive months, counted from the first day in Vietnam. The number of days stayed in Vietnam is based on the … Read More

Circular 203/2012/TT-BTC: Procedure to issue the business registration for audit service

In order to provide audit service, service provider has to follow the business registration procedures. The dossier requesting for the certificate of eligibility to conduct audit service must have all the following documents: – An application for certification; – List of auditors practicing with labor contract; – A copy of the certificate of registration to … Read More

Circular 227/2012/TT-BTC of the Ministry of Finance guiding the establishment, operation and management of the securities investment company The portfolio structure of the public securities investment companies must comply with the provisions of the charter of the securities investment company and is restricted by such conditions below: – Not to invest more than 15% of the … Read More

Industrial Design

Before a new design is launched, or sold in a new country, client company needs to ensure the Intellectual Property protection of industrial design. We are an industrial design consultant in Vietnam with lawyers with qualification and experience to assist client from application, protection, and dispute handling process. ANT Lawyers IP Practice offers industrial design services … Read More


Trademarks are an important part of client company’s competitive edge. The Intellectual Property law in Vietnam has acknowledged the rights of companies and individuals to protect their trademark; encouraged such companies and individuals to establish IP rights and commercialize IP rights including trademark for their economic benefits. It has been obvious that the protections of … Read More

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Tel: +84 24 730 86 529