Possible Anti-dumping Investigation on Wind Power Tower in Vietnam from China

Anti-dumping investigation on wind power tower in Vietnam from China

The Trade Remedies Authority has received the complete and valid dossier requesting an anti-dumping investigation on wind power tower in Vietnam from China.

On July 25, 2023, the Trade Remedies Authority (Investigation Authority) received dossier from a company who is on behalf of the domestic manufacturing industry (the Requesting party), requesting an investigation into the imposition of anti-dumping measures on wind power tower from China.

On August 09, 2023, the Investigation Authority confirmed that the Dossier was complete and valid in accordance with the law on trade remedies.

Next steps:

Within 45 days from the date of confirmation of complete and valid dossier; The Investigation Authority will examine the dossier to submit to the Minister of Industry and Trade for consideration of whether investigate or not.

Content to be examined includes:

(i) Identify the lawful representative status of the organization or individual submitting the application for the domestic production industry in accordance with the Law on Foreign Trade Management;

(ii) Identify evidence that dumping of imported goods causes or threatens to cause substantial damage to the domestic manufacturing industry or significantly prevents the formation of a domestic manufacturing industry.

For the examination, as well as the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, the Investigation Authority requests domestic enterprises producing/trading parity goods mentioned above to provide the following information:

-Information about the business;

-Design capacity and output of wind electricity products from 2019 to 2022;

-The opinion of the company on the case (agree, oppose, no opinion);

-Any other documents/evidence that the company recognizes they are relevant to the case.

The deadline to provide the above information is August 31, 2023.

How lawyers at anti-dumping law firm in Vietnam could help?

ANT Lawyers – As an anti-dumping law firm in Vietnam can serve as a vital partner for international manufacturers, offering them comprehensive legal support and guidance in navigating the complex landscape of anti-dumping regulations in Vietnam. From risk assessment to representation in proceedings, the firm can help manufacturers protect their interests, maintain fair trade practices, and achieve favorable outcomes in the face of anti-dumping challenges while doing business in Vietnam.

How ANT Lawyers Could Help Your Business?

You could learn more about ANT Lawyers International Trade and Tax or contact our International trade dispute lawyers in Vietnam for advice via email ant@antlawyers.vn or call our office at (+84) 24 730 86 529

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We are available at offices in central of Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang that help cover through out Vietnam.

Tel: +84 24 730 86 529
Email: ant@antlawyers.vn